Blissful Bedroom: Helpful Tips for Bedroom Feng Shui

Often it seems that my blogs tend to be deep, heart-level kinds of posts, so this one may feel a little different. However, having a comfortable, restful, calm, and inviting bedroom is also important to me, so I hope you too will benefit from these suggestions and practices that I have come to learn and appreciate! 

There are many ways to improve the 'feng shui' of a bedroom. Trying to change everything at once may actually induce stress, which is the opposite of the goal, so take changes one step at a time if that helps you stay at ease. Also, there will always be more 'tips' than really feasible, so as always, decide what is right for you, and of course if you have a bedroom partner, it's important that it is right for them too.

1. Fresh Flowers

Something I often do is have fresh flowers beside the bed, in our master bath, or both. Having a natural fragrance and live flowers can be life-giving and provide satisfaction to your senses. Dried flowers are not always the best option for a bedroom; however, something like dried lavender can provide a relaxing, sleepy scent as well. (Plus it adds a little romance!) I also love having live plants in the bedroom! This helps with breathing, air-purifying, and it is a reminder of life.

2. Monsters Under the Bed

If you can, try to make sure there is nothing under your bed! You know when you were a kid and you were supposed to clean your room, so you shoved everything under the bed? That's not going to fly this time! Clearing out the space under your bed can allow a calming energy and a clutter-free environment.

3. Speaking of Clutter

De-clutter as often as you find necessary! I know if I'm not careful, it's easy for clean laundry, mail, or other clutter to build up. Try your best to keep the clutter out of the bedroom. If you can, try to make your room as clutter-free as possible before going to sleep. It will feel like a breath of fresh air to rest your eyes knowing your room is safe and clean. 

4. TV's aren't for the Bedroom

If you have a tv in your room, it's time to find it a new home. TV's interfere with the energy in the room, also causing your sleep to be disrupted. If you can, also keep work, computers, and other non-restful sources out of your room. Also try to avoid sleeping with your phone right by your head; the further away the better so as not to disrupt your sleep. 

5. Who's the Fairest

You can ponder who's the fairest of them all during waking hours, but it's not the best idea while you sleep. Keep mirrors away from the bed- in other words, if you can see your reflection in the mirror from your bed, consider moving it. Mirrors not only show you yourself, but they can reflect light and shadows which can also cause sleep disruption. 

6. Don't skimp on bed Comfort

If anything matters when it comes to comfort level, it's your bed. Make sure your pillow does not give you headaches or cause pain. It's wise to keep clean sheets on your bed so you feel cozy and clean while slipping under those sheets. Invest in a good mattress; it's worth it. Get yourself a sturdy headboard, and position your bed against a solid wall, with room to get out of both sides of the bed.

Sleep is so very important. It is our body's time to reset and restore. It is our mind's time to heal. And, it is a major influencer in how we treat others. If we are constantly tired, achy, or sleep-deprived we truly can not be our best selves. If you're trying to lose weight, good sleep is just as important as eating well and exercise. If you're trying to be a healthy human, sleep is critical. Of course there are seasons in life where sleep is difficult, like after having a new baby, but that makes it all the more important for the bedroom to not be an added factor to sleepless nights. There are many other helpful bedroom hints, but these six are a great start! 

Feeling sleepy yet? Happy resting! Enjoy some shut eye tonight in your sacred space. Embrace your home, create safe spaces, be present with those in your household, share your table, and sleep peacefully. Cheers to Friday!